This months book is titled What Alice Forgot by Liana Moriarty. As always with my book reviews for BlogHer. I am compensated for my review, but my options belong to me.
This is a GREAT book. The story actually made me laugh out loud and I flew through the pages.
The premise of the book is about Alice who sustains a head injury and has lost the last ten years of her life. She can't remember the birth of her children or why she is in the middle of an ugly divorce. She still thinks she is madly in love with her soon to be ex. This story has lots of love, laughs and family drama. Alice makes the choice to right some wrongs and becomes a stronger person on the other side. She starts to get her memory back but only in little bits and it all gets confused in her head as to who the memory is with or what actually happened. It got me thinking about what I would miss if I forgot the last ten years.........If you could change your attitude because now you see the hurt you cause people would you? It is something all of us really need a look at our life from the outside. This is one to download and read over the weekend, I know I finished it in 2 days and couldn't hardly put it down.