There have been times like moving from Illinois to Mississippi where I prayed for several weeks about it and asked God that if this is where he wants us to go to please show me. Well everything lined up and for the most part went extremely easy, as much as any move out of state could go.
I asked him to show us which church we should be at after we moved. After visiting a few, when we went to Parkway there was a special singer that day singing a song that means so much to my heart. I took that as a sign along with a feeling of belonging and welcoming that we got there.
I have mentioned before sometimes God has to give me the brick between the eyes to get me to realize things. But what about when I am actively praying and seeking his answer.
How do you know? Or feel that you know? Just like we all study and worship in our own way, I am sure we all feel God speaking to us in different ways too.
One time when things were really stressful at home and tension seemed to be high. I got in the car to go to an appointment and one of my favorite songs came on the radio and calmed me down and made me smile again. At the time I thanked God for caring enough about me to bring a smile to my face. Was it just dumb luck. Some would say yes. But I choose to believe that he cares enough about me to give me that very song and that very minute.
Let me know what you think. How does God speak to you? And are you listening?
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